Monday, December 23, 2019

Organizational Behavior Trends Essay - 1565 Words

Organizational Behavior Trends Outline: 1. Definition of OB and related terminologies. 2. Role of decision making in OB environments. 3. Conflicts involved in decision making processes in organizations. 4. Rifts between managerial level staff and operations level workforce. 5. Stakeholders in decision making in a corporate hierarchy. 6. Self-inflicted ethical dilemmas and differences, causes for it. 7. Values and goals affecting causing ethical dilemmas in OB 8. Globalization and its strategic alliances. 9. Impact of technological advancements in organizational environments. 10. Techno stress and other stress factors in organizational environments. 11. Survey results of organizational†¦show more content†¦It would be nice if decision making was indeed a simple process and that a set of ethical principles was readily available for employees to plug in and walk away from, with a decision to be forthcoming. However, in reality that is not, nor will it ever be, the case when it comes to ethics and decision making. It is safe to say that decision making is one of the most important - if not the most important - of all individual and group efforts within an organization. Ethics are the rules, principles, standards, or beliefs that commonly define right and wrong. Ethics are involved in all facets of business from decision-making to budgeting, from personnel issues to leadership. Today’s managers must be able to see the ethical issues in the choices they face, make decisions within an ethical framework, and build and maintain an ethical work environment. Managers must be particularly sensitive to ethical issues because of their key role as a bridge between upper management and operating employees. For most employees, their manager is the only contact they have with middle and top management. As such, employees interpret the company’s ethical standards through the actions and words of their managers. If managers take company supplies home, cheat on maintenance reports, or engage in other unethical practices, they set a tone for their work groups that is likely to undermine all the efforts by top management to create a corporate climate of Show MoreRelatedOrganizational Behavior Trends1619 Words   |  7 PagesOrganizational Behavior Trends Outline: 1. Definition of OB and related terminologies. 2. Role of decision making in OB environments. 3. Conflicts involved in decision making processes in organizations. 4. Rifts between managerial level staff and operations level workforce. 5. Stakeholders in decision making in a corporate hierarchy. 6. Self-inflicted ethical dilemmas and differences, causes for it. 7. Values and goals affecting causing ethical dilemmas in OB 8. 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